About The Artist

Frank Louis Allen discovered his Unique art style in November of 2011 after a serious back injury allowed him the chance to pick up his Letraset Pens that had laid in a draw for over a half a decade. At this time he started his popular drawing blog to showcase his many and varied unique drawings. This showcase can be found through www.frankart.co.uk which in just a few months has gathered a following of thousands. He also hosts a weekly art show for the Social Network autismbrainstorm.org where anyone can come along to chat and create.
Frank Allen's Art Style is extremely quick, confident, creative, and unencumbered by any contrivance. He achieves this by distracting himself with conversation, music, or even TV. Just enough that the lines are free to be what they will be. Unhindered by a set purpose or visual destination. In fact he rarely has any plan for a picture and this counter intuitively enables things to emerge that are instantly recognizable to both the viewer and to himself. Frank feels that this is partly possible due to him having A-Typical Autism (PDD-NOS) and being most at ease with a pen in his hand.
Recent projects have included Skateboards, Walls, Guitars and whatever surface he gets the chance to draw on. He hopes to find a way to support himself through his new found Art as he continues to create new and varied projects. Frank Allen is loosing his vision to a disease of the retina called Retinitis Pigmentosa which means he cannot create new retina cells eventually leading to blindness. Despite this he has a strong feeling that he will be able to continue creating his art even if and when he goes blind.