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Autism Safety, Special Needs Safety

The Non Profit If I Need Help (IINH) was founded by Bruce and Erin Wilson the Parents of a young man who is low Verbal with moderately severe autism. The Wilsons were terrified about what would happen to their son if he eloped or became separated from them - he would not be able to provide information about himself or how to reunite with his loved ones. To help their son and others like him with communication issues, they created affordable wearable iD utilizing QR code technology and a caregiver controlled web-based special needs registry with no membership or yearly fees. The products and free service are an effective way to alert community members and first responders that the wearer is a person with special needs who needs help, and how to provide that help.

When a loved one wanders off

When he or she is found they often are unable to identify themselves and do not ask for help or carry an ID. They are usually unable to communicate their needs, share personal information and what might be done to help calm them. Also, what the rescuer should know in an emergency such as medical conditions, behaviors and ways to communicate. That's where If I Need Help comes in.

Here is a person that needs help

Easy free sign up and membership: Personal wearable QR Codes that immediately alert the public that "Here is a person that needs help" & how to help them. We provide a place where the multitude of information about a person with special needs can be kept in one place. This information can be accessed by whoever needs it at the time. A Policeman, jogger or anyone who scans them can find basic information quickly from the individual's public site. All of this information can be changed in real time by logging onto the site remotely or from a desktop. Emergency Q&A can also be emailed to first responders in an emergency.

Individuals profiles can be accessed manually from any web browser or via scanned QR Codes. QR Codes can be read quickly by any smartphone. QR reader Apps can be downloaded for free from App stores. 

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